The Rising Stars Writing Guild is a guild built to help writers of all skill levels to learn to become better writers through feedback, lessons, games and activities. We also provide an atmosphere for writers to grow and prosper with respectful and constructive feedback from a wide audience, fun and helpful writing games, and classes to help writers try and learn new styles and meathods of writing.


1) Respect others.
This is a guild for ALL SKILL LEVELS.
There will be no downing on someone just because they are not a perfect writer. They joined this guild with the purpose of becoming a better writer. You will be expected to respect that about them.

a) To avoid comming off as rude or mean in critiquing someone's work, say what you liked about the work first, then tell them what you think needs work. You may even suggest what they can do to make it better.

b) Similarly, if you think somone's piece is amazing, try to find something that you didn't like about it. I can tell you from personal experience that it is so irritating when you post something requesting feedback, and all you get is empty responses saying it was amazing. Try to find something positive AND negative in everything you read.

2) Respect yourself. While you may be a beginning writer, you must always try to do your best. This means not posting illiterately on purpose (the occasional error is not the problem, but doing it on purpose because you think it looks cool will irk some people), and putting effort into what you intend to show off.
With that being said, don't be afraid that your work isn't good enough to the point that you don't post at all. If you put effort into it, the effort will show.
If you are still not sure it is polished enough to get critique, check out the classrooms subforum and they will help you put out a polished work.

3) Read the rules.
Be sure to read the introductory posts in which ever forum you post in to be sure that you are posting in the correct area.

4)T.O.S.! This should go without saying, but I'll say it anyways. All Gaia's rules apply here as well.

5) The key-word is RESPECT.
Before yopu post something, think whether it's respecting you as a writer, and the people who may read it.

6) Don't forget to post!
Members are expected to post at least 5 times a month. You can post more than five times, but five a month is the minimum. This doesn't all have to be masterpiece works of art, we also have some games you can play to get those 5 monthly posts if you don't make them all in comenting on people's stuff and posting your own stuff. So don't just coment or post randomly to get the posts, we have bump threads for that.


If you want to join this guild, please include in your request how you came across this guild and what about it makes you want to join.