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The 7 Songs

We are a small group of seven friends; Evaline, Flora, Natasha, Ace, Stronghold, Hiarashii, and Ollie. Each of us has our own special talent that we bring to the table that makes The 7 Songs so great and amazing. We all trust each other and value each other. We are like a family.

Within our artistic group we offer support to fellow artist by giving them tips, helping them out, and just being there to say well done. By doing this we hope to help the arts grow and live on. The Songs are also a bunch of Otakus/Nerds. We love to talk all day about our favourite obsessions and what we love. We also don’t mind receiving new idea to try. We love to discuss, argue, and ‘fangirl’ over different things and don’t mind others joining. We also love the idea of magick; literature, entertainment, tarot, etc. We also do a lot of roleplaying involving magick.

Within this guild we welcome anyone who is into magick, music, art, manga, anime. We also welcome those looking to roleplay or just find friends.
