Hello, Welcome to TCAF (The conversation among friends) ^^...We would love to Accsept you into our guild ^^...It's not my guild its not You'r guild it's our guild ^^...This guild is to talk about you'r favorite movie's Tv shows, Books, Actors, Actresses, etc...^^ The owner at the moment Is l- a m y -l so if you all could send any donations you have to l- a m y -l We would all appriciate that ^^...We have a few rules...
1. Follow the T.O.S
2. be kind and nice to all the members of the guild
3. Give ALL donations to l- a m y -l
And also if you would like to have any suggestions for the guild send a pm to l- a m y -l suggesting what you think would be good for the guild or if you would like to have a contest in the guild that You are the owner of then also suggest them in a pm to l- a m y -l
If you get banned from this guild then i would like to say it was for a reason Not becuase we just "wanted to" but becuase there was a reason
Once we have contests we would like to say Dont be greaty as in if we cant get the gift to you at the moment then dont rush us that makes you be one of the last people to receive you'r gifts.....
IF you get put up to crew or vice captains then you get took back down it may have been on accsident...We dont have many members at the moment =l so if you could help us by joining or inviting you'r friends that would be very kind of you ^^
Again it is OUR guild not you'rs or just mine ^^
~l- a m y -l~