Bleach: A New Beginning

Hello, and welcome to the world of Bleach A New Beginning. This is a role playing guild set after everything in the show, so no one will meet anyone from the show. Read the rules before sendig a join request. The rules are posted below.

1. Post your profiles before posting in forums OTHER than the OOC chat rooms.
2. You must obey all rules.
3. No cybering (If it gets past pg-13 take it somewhere else).
4. Romance is allowed.
5. Crew will be hired and promoted by me, and only me.
6. I will post new rules as i see fit.
7. If you join this guild, at least know something about the show.
8. No, i repeat, NO god-moding!!!
9. Take the profile skelton below and send it to the leader of your team.
10. If no one posted a profile page in the team you chose, you may be the leader.
11. Drama makes for great story lines.

Profile Skeleton:

Username: ((Gaia Username))
Name: ((What Is Your Character's Name?))
Age: ((How Old Your Character Is))
Apearance: ((What Does Your Character Look Like?))
Team: ((Soul Reapers, Arancars, or Vizords))
Weapons: ((Picture Please))
Weapon's Name: ((The Name Of Your Zanpaktou))
Special Attack: ((If You Have One))
Bio: ((Tell Us Your Story))