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In the ever expanding world of Gaia sometimes you just want to talk to people who are going/have gone/will be going through similar experiences. As the membership of Gaia gets older there are increasingly greater numbers of College/University age Gaians looking for a place to discuss the issues unique to the academic life.

Whether you're just entering college, working on a degree, or have already graduated this is the place for you. The Gaian College Guild is a place to share experiences and provide advice and support for others going through the same part of life.

Future parts of the guild will include a list of sites online that can help with finding colleges, getting financial aid, preparing to live on/off campus, dealing with roommates, scheduling, declaring majors and any other topics of use for the academically inclined.

Please include your current college/university/tech school status in your request to join.

For now there is and entry fee of 5 gold. This is to help build up the guild account so we can afford subforums to better organize the information that will be shared. The fee will be done away with at a later date once the guild is better established and it can depend on the donations of its members.