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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Welcome, muffin.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.youlostthegameyoulostthegameyoulostthegameyoulostthegame
What is this place...? Your unspoken question has somehow been heard by the scary-as-hell nurse in front of you.
"The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls, dearie."youlostthegame
The name makes you shiver. Intuition tells you that you won't ever be able to leave.

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youlostthegameR U L E S
only those infected with the plague may enter
all inmates must show obedience towards their nurses
all inmates must show respect towards their fellow inmates
all inmates must follow the TOS

repeated violation of the rules will result in excruciatingly painful death by the iron corset.

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