Talk about all the Screamo, Heavy Metal, Deathcore, Hardcore... All you want ^w^... Discuss bands, singers, News, Deaths(owo), Anything you want... But it has to be about Metal bands...

Strictly For MetalHeads!!!

Vice Captain: iDOMi-D i S A S T E R

1~Follow TOS
2~No Cybering >=O
3~Keep it Pg-13 Level
4~No Giving Personal Info(Age/Address/City/State/Country/County/Last Name... Etc...) =D
5~This one is important... Have Fun^^

Joining is free ;]... Just i have to accept it owo...
In the invitation, just state a couple of bands that you like, and your first name...
Thats it ^^...
Happy Trails Maggots