Jonas Brothers.
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What's not to love about Nick, Joe, and Kevin Jonas?
Plus the littlest one, Frankie.
I love this band, with all my heart.

We will be working and the lastest news about them-
[x]Their new album coming out in August.
[x]Concerts and Tours.
[x]Any new news.
I'm always informed.
[x]Trying to raise gold for subforums!
[x]Trying to get new members!!
[x]Trying really super hard to be an awesome guild!
-To Join-
[x]Just tell me why you love th Jonas Brothers.
[x]How you heard of them
[x]& how they have impacted your life. =]

[x]Follow Gaia ToS rules, kay!
[x]Be nice!
[x]Have a awesome Time!

i'm not the jonas brothers, nor do i know them.
i am just a fan, like you. so yeah