Hola! Heyyy! Ko Nichi Wa. Sawasdee Ka! Jambo! Nihao! Well, now that that's over with. I shall tell you some random thingamajigs about this guild.

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Here we go!

1. This guild will Attack chu if you swear! So no swearing!
2. This guild heart money so.... Hand over your paycheck BUB! *grabs gun and points it at you*
3. I ish the owner of this guild So I ish god! The other Mods are important too. Don't listen to them, And I eat you!
4. Follow T0S! TOS! Tos! ToS! t0s! tOS!
5. For the RPs no innapropriate pictures! Or innapropriate-ness...Period!
6. Please try to stay active. I hate banning people. It makes my pointer finger tired.
7. Have ze Funn. Ze funn iz ze good!
8. Respect peoples bubbles. Do not invade anybodys RL space. What ish your number? Etc. If you do this, The guild will call you a stalker!!


pink, lightpink, palevioletred, hotpink, deeppink, red, tomato, crimson, firebrick, indianred

darkred, maroon, brown, sienna, saddlebrown, rosybrown, tan, darkkhaki, BurlyWood, chocolate, peru, darkgoldenrod

lightcoral, coral, lightsalmon, salmon, darksalmon,
orangered, darkorange, orange, sandybrown, goldenrod, khaki, gold, yellow

greenyellow, lightgreen, lawngreen, chartreuse, lime, springgreen, mediumspringgreen,
limegreen, green, forestgreen, darkgreen,
seagreen, mediumseagreen, darkseagreen,
olive, olivedrab, darkolivegreen

azure, aliceblue, lightcyan, paleturquoise, lightblue, lightsteelblue, powderblue, cyan, aqua, aquamarine, turquoise, lightskyblue, skyblue, mediumaquamarine,
mediumturquoise, darkturquoise, deepskyblue, cadetblue, cornflowerblue, steelblue, slateblue, mediumslateblue,royalblue, dodgerblue, lightseagreen, teal,darkcyan, blue, mediumblue,darkslateblue, navy, darkblue, midnightblue

indigo, blueviolet, mediumpurple, mediumorchid, purple, darkmagenta, darkviolet, darkorchid, lavender, thistle, plum, violet, orchid, magenta, fuchsia, mediumvioletred

darkslategray, dimgray, gray, slategray, darkgray, silver

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