Fans of Ranma come from all around to meet here. This is the number one Ranma guild on and it will intend to remain that way.

In case you are wondering, Ranma 1/2 is an anime/manga illustrated and written by Rumiko Takahashi, from which most people know her from creating Inu-Yasha, which is another popular anime/manga she has done.

The basic storyline of Ranma proceeds as follows
Saotome Ranma -- a typical young boy, with a not so typical curse. It seems that while he and his father were on a martial arts training expedition, they came across the fabled Jyusenkyo springs. What they didn't know was that anyone who fell into one the springs would forever be cursed -- by turning into whatever drowned in spring, should the victim be doused in cold water. Douse them in hot, and the hapless soul reverts to their normal self. Ranma has fallen into spring of drowned girl, so now whenever he is splashed with cold water, he takes the form of a young, red-haired woman.

Tendo Akane is your typical, young school girl who doesn't like boys. Unlucky for her, she's engaged. To Ranma. Which, you'd think would be very lucky indeed... But that all depends on your point of view...
(Thanks to http// for this short review)

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