Behind A Rose..
...Lies the Thorns...

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It was the dawn of the 25th century that started the New Age. Humanity had been at war for two centuries, and with the trump card of nuclear weaponry, Earth had finally been reduced to a wasteland. Fallout covered every area of the earth...

It was the 30th century when things finally started to evolve. The Fallout had mutated everything, and everyone. No one was human any longer. Instead creatures crawled every the different areas of the Earth to find somewhere they might actually live. There they found an Island, seemingly untouched by the Fallout. They cried, they laughed, and they made themselves the first Kingdom on the Island. They called themselves the Diamond Kingdom. They were made up of the only humanoids that even closely resembled their ancested; The Arcanes, Th Drow, and The Vampires. All were results of human mutated grossly to survive the Fallout.

The Diamond Kingdom first moved about the Island, and called it Roselia, and Island of Roses. They took up residence in the center of the island, in a small area known as Moon Island. They were surrounded by the Silverwater Lake, and thought their lives would go on peacefully forever...until another group of survivors landed on the island. They became known as the Club Tribe.

The Club Tribe, made up of smaller pixie-like mutated creatures. Humans who had mutated with insects and reptiles and such to withstand the Fallout. They were aggressive, but they too wanted peace. The Diamond Kingdom was weary of them, and began to isolate themselves within the SilverWaters. The Club Tribe, although agitated by their behavior and their claim of the best lands, moved to the Sinar Plateu and the Cona Plains. Peace reigned for another fifty years or so, until yet another group appeared.

This group, made up of humans that had mutated into elfish creatures was came to be known as the Heart Kingdom. The Diamonds were none too thrilled, and wanted nothing to do with these newcomers. The Club Tribe was agitated as well with the newcomers taking up resources, and so they isolated themselves from the Hearts as well. The Hearts moved into the Delphi Forest in the NorthEastern edge of the Island. They made moves to bring all three Kingdoms together, and started the First Great War.

All three sides were warring for territories, until a Lison from the Club Tribe stepped for the stop them. He left with a small group of followers, which became known as the Spade Circle. They were peaceful, and orchestrated a gathering of the three Kingdom Leaders. A Treaty was made, known now as The Great Migration.

Once every five years, the four new Kingdoms would rotate territories, in order to equally share hardships and resources. And so, the Diamonds abandoned Silverwater and the Moon Island which became Neutral grounds, and moved into the West Runan Mountains and Crest Valley.


Five centuries later, murmurs of war are on the rise once more. With the Great Migration only six months away, the Diamond are in the Delphi Forest, the Heart are in the Cona Plains, the Club are in the Mountains and Vallies, and the Spade on the Plateu.

The last Diamond General has died only a month ago, and his son has just taken up the throne. The new Aracane King, a prodigy master of three elements, has suddenly refused to move from the Delphi. The Queen of Hearts is threanting to throw him out if he doesn't move and has already readied her armies. However, there is a rebellion within the Diamond, and the illegitamate son of the former King wants the throne. Within the Spade Cicle, a strange Half-Lison's curse is suddenly revealed. This half-Lison is the Shaman leader of the Circle, and his revelation has caused an uproar in the Kingdom. The Dlub is ready to side with the Hearts, and all hell is threatening to break loose on the Island.

What happens up to you.

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