• I stare in front of me
    With a bleeding heart, shattered ribs
    Desperate and dark
    Looking at the hourglass
    Wondering until when it goes on
    They won't unplug me
    From life support

    I asked to be taken out
    They said okay
    It might make you feel better
    I wanted to let them know
    It didn't matter anymore
    They cannot utter
    More words

    They took me out
    I felt an unexpected pleasure
    The breeze against my skin
    That also rustled the leaves
    The purity of air
    The beautiful hues of green
    I look up the sky
    It has been years

    Now I remember
    The immaculate white clouds
    Sailing against the blue sky
    Sailing with the wind
    And a rainbow appeared
    I couldn't suppress my smile
    The feeling of hope burst in me
    The sun giving me a promise
    Of better days to come.

    I used to play outdoors
    Oblivious to any harm at all
    I played with my sister and brother
    Until I got sick
    I couldn't walk or stand
    I couldn't live long
    How I treasure those days even more
    Well now I feel better.