• It's that feeling of sinking
    Your lungs trying to breathe.
    It's the struggle to stay afloat while the panic sets it.
    It's choking out a cry; Maybe you said help.
    It's blinking through the disturbed waves
    Waiting for someone to see,
    Fear climbing up your spine
    Because "you're fine, you can swim".
    It's sinking beneath the waves
    The anxiety getting caught in your chest.
    It's reaching your hand out to the light
    Wishing for some help.
    Its sinking farther down
    Wondering how they can't see,
    Why they choose to ignore your pleas.
    It's when you're finally relaxed and you've become numb,
    That you accept your fate and just waiting for it to come.
    That someone finally realizes that something went wrong.
    "Why didn't you ask for help" But you were doing it all along.
    They just chose to ignore you with your held held out.
    They drowned out your cries because " I have my own problems".
    And when they finally realize you're drowning and are struggling to be free
    It will be too late,
    Because only the dead float after sinking.