• The map it leads
    Into the cave
    It beckons with
    A road of gold which it was pave

    My breath quickens
    My vision is shorter
    I cannot turn back
    I am no aborter

    To the book I quest
    It must be in here
    I've been looking for it
    I hold it most dear

    The ground it crumbles
    Into the chasm i plunge
    I grab everywhere desperately
    But it's covered in scrunge

    A ramp I collapse on rofl rofl
    And roll on the rock
    Dirt covers me all over
    Even into my sock

    I spit up debris
    And take a peek
    Torches all over
    Water with a leak

    This must be the place
    The legend foretold
    Only I thought
    It wouldn't be covered in mold

    I place my map
    Onto the ground
    I glance at it
    To take a look around

    Into the mouth
    Of the cave I go
    To get the treasure
    And be a hero