• Do you see me?
    Laying on the ground
    At the corner of the street
    Dirty, broken, mangled
    Do you care?
    I lost my home
    And my family
    Robbed of all that's mine
    Will you help me?
    I beg for money
    Yet I am a queen
    Living as a peasant
    Why do you stare?
    I may be covered in filth
    Dressed in rags, with no crown
    But I am queen of my own world
    Beggars are royalty?
    They know humility
    How to be humble, poor
    And still yet I live on
    But what of royalty?
    The kings and queens of nations
    Are spoiled, selfish, pompous
    They aren't true
    Beggars are royalty.
    Royalty are beggars.
    You do not see us.
    We see you.
    You do not care about us.
    We care about us.
    And of others.
    We are royalty true.