• Days go by
    Life goes on
    But not for me
    What happened?

    I'm alive
    Yet feel dead
    Unnoticed i live life
    I feel like a ghost

    All i ever feel is pain
    As if happiness never existed
    My tears are wasted

    Life filled only of pain
    No one understands me
    I'm shoved away

    I'm alone
    Left in a dungeon of darkness
    As the walls close on me
    I'm long forgotten

    I scream from the abyss
    Only to be ignored
    No one's around
    I'm so lost

    I'm here with nothing left
    No one can save me
    Life becomes a blur
    Do i deserve this life?

    I'll never know true happiness
    I'm doomed with this curse
    While hoping for the best
    But only receive bitterness

    But here i am
    Clinging onto this hopeless life
    Wishing i never existed
    Will things get better?

    I'll never know....