• Mother____! I think I found a 4th pup
    But the either three I have are already too much
    trouble as it is
    Making a disaster of my home
    No matter where I move,
    They always find me
    And I think this new puppy is liking me,
    Too much
    Maybe even more then the first pup that showed me,
    Too much of he’s stuff & too much intension
    But I think I’ve had a enough balls, a enough play time,
    & having to feed them their favorite food ever time
    Won’t you dogs just stop barking, leave me be alone
    for a couple of days or few
    But the worried thing is when I can’t in joy a quite walk, on a beautiful site,
    Without them any were near, making lots of nose that destroys,
    the beauty of this places,
    But please____ let this be the last dog,
    Or I don’t know wants going to happen to me,
    If I keep finding this dogs, that like me the minute they see me