• His eyes, upon her eyes,
    His hand, upon her hand,
    His lips, caress her skin,
    His deviance, up her innocence,
    It's more than they can stand...

    Despite the lies that she's making, her love is his for the taking. He will be the one that she runs to, he will be the one to hold her. His love is, just waiting to turn her tears to roses.

    His eyes upon, her eyes,
    His hand, upon her hand,
    His lips caress her skin,
    His deviance, upon her innocence,
    It's more than they can stand...

    She feels so filthy and lonely, she lays here broken and naked. His love is, just waiting to throw her into crimson roses.

    His eyes, upon her eyes,
    His hand, upon her hand,
    His lips, caress her skin,
    His deviance, upon her innocence,
    It's more then they can stand,

    when they are together she feels whole again. His love is, ready when she is...