• The path led to nowhere, the ultimate demise
    Because a wall imps, devils, and other denies
    Where fools enter, naught the naive or the wise
    Is the path I’ve stumbled upon. The path of lies

    I walk on the path, I can seek nothing
    For those who seek in the path of lies
    Shall forever weep at the ends of lies
    I wander the depths, listening to lies

    And- It’s that feeling of doubt I get in the rain
    Where all happiness is flushed down the drain
    And overflows the vast fields of grain
    The sour note, repeated in the refrain

    And- those gems speckled across my cheeks
    Cannot be expunged, alas!
    The eyes that blind are like leeks
    For drops of diamonds melt imprints

    And whist I speak I find myself not lost
    But not found, for one is never lost
    Not on the path of lies, because one
    Can find one’s mind initially lost

    It is craze that drives the brain
    It is craze that relishes the pain
    And the chain of the bane
    And insane shall go kill the sane

    So, I fear for you, don’t mock the path
    The path of madness, ridicules and hates
    Lest, you also bring a soul to curse
    The path of lies awaits