• the world,
    its one big festuring pit
    a cesspool of criminals, liars, and hipocrites
    the things that describe you in this poem i made here

    My Darling your looking so dull
    but why does my star cease to glow
    "i do not cease to glow"
    then why are you so dim
    "these are my true colors"
    and so frankly
    so grey
    so indifferent
    you seem to me now but why
    "i cease to glow for you'
    "for the other hasent an idea of who i am-"
    other who be thy dagger unsheathed now and ready to strike
    like blood falling to the floor my tears hit.

    so you see my dear i dont need you,
    to dullen my day
    to bore me to death
    because im allready dead