• It was just for fun at first
    Then it was merely for help
    Thought I could get out of trouble
    With a single lie

    Just one single lie
    Holds false blossoms
    A lie relies on another
    And soon we have them

    As each lie is planted
    Sprouting a new lie each time
    A story is created
    From that single lie

    Lies can’t keep you out of trouble
    It is like adding oil to fire
    You see it first bubble
    Next thing you tire
    To see the sight of fire
    Growing more and more!

    At first no one suspected it
    And so I lied on some more
    Then, a truth came up somewhere
    And I was forced to tell the truth

    But lie upon lie had caused me to lie
    Over that old lie
    A new lie rests upon the old one and
    I kept it up

    Once that truth was uncovered
    Called a liar, I was
    Lost the respect and loyalty
    Of even my closest friends

    I ended up in detention hall
    Lying endlessly
    Soon my reputation grew
    And a liar I came be

    I am saying this because
    I want you to know
    Lying isn’t something you would want to do
    Telling the truth keeps you out of big trouble
    And keeps your image from being disowned
    Be warned, I say don’t lie at all!
    A liar you will be
    So don’t lie at all

    I’ve been through it all
    And I know it at best
    I got out of lying through years of hard rest

    I’m telling the truth now
    So you all hear,
    Lying isn’t for little kids,
    Nor for grown-ups
    And old

    I was a liar
    But now I try not to be
    I don’t recommend this life
    It isn’t good
    Just listen to me

    Do not lie.