• When you fall,
    the first thing coming on your mind is fear
    then anger
    then hatred
    then what we call love,
    love for others,
    the ones who will want to feel pity for you.

    When you fall, it's a long way down.
    It'll make it both easier and harder for you to climb again.
    For every time you fall, you'll make a scar,
    Saying, don't try that path again.
    And when you reach the top,
    You either fall again,
    Or you die there.

    Some others will look down and say,
    "Oh my, I hope I don't become of what that is!"
    Or, "Ha, so much for a loser."
    Or, "Do you want some help?"
    You were born on the ground,
    You were born to climb this mountain of your Community.
    Everytime somebody has climbed to the top of the mountain,
    They give you hints,
    Make it easier to survive after falls,
    or while you're climbing.
    Artists, scientists and your parents, supporting at their best.
    But you're bound to fall one day.

    And when you fall,
    You'll go through hundreds of emotions,
    Both positive and Negative,
    You'll go through emotions you hear of,
    But never went through of.
    And when you fall,
    You might bring others along with you,
    The ones you supported,
    And the ones who supported you.

    And when you DO fall one day,
    Know this,
    Everybody is bound to fall.
    And everybody is bound to try again.