• * I'll leave this place, I can't keep standing
    I'll start a new place with a brand new family

    I'll leave, and I'll never look back
    I repeated that to myself as I began to pack

    I left through the window
    In the middle of the night
    I told myself
    Don't leave without saying goodbye

    so I climbed back up my window
    And began to write

    "Don't call the police
    Please don't try to find me
    I left for a reason I wont begin to list
    I love you all, in my heart you will all be missed"

    The letter ended, I stamped it on my bed
    So I climbed back out the window When a tear began to shed

    I ran and ran 'till I couldn't run anymore
    I stopped to take a breath and noticed a store

    I walked inside to get some water
    When I noticed a man in black at the counter

    He pointed the gun at the man behind the register
    He said "Give me all your money, and no one gets hurt"

    I didn't want to be seen, so I hid behind a shelf
    That's when I thought, and wondered, and asked myself

    Why did I leave?
    What was so bad?
    Why did I leave at a time like that?

    Why am I here?
    Why now?
    Why aren't I at home, with a family I'm proud to be around?

    It isn't so bad there, after I thought for a while
    I had more good times that were really wild

    They were fun, and they trampled over the bad
    I love my family, that was a thought I'd never had

    So I called the police and sneaked back out of the store
    By the time they came, I was at my front door

    I ran to the back, it was almost morning by then
    I climbed up my window, and then that's when...

    I tore up the note, and unpacked everything
    I lied on my bed, and began to sing

    The joys of my family, of life, and of friends
    I'll never leave this place, not ever again...