• 1. The beauty of living free is like the beauty of the moon
    2. The pain of living free shines brightly on prisoners as they feel it
    3. The strength of living free fights as well as a United States Marine
    4. The street smarts with living free fill a void that was once as empty as a canyon.
    5. The confusion of a life free will cause your mind to become a starless night
    6. The happiness of living free will make your heart sing with joy like a free bird
    7. The loss of living free can cause your heart to feel as alone as Pooh Bear when Christopher Robin left
    8. The laughter of living free will be as fun as a snow ball fight with your best friends
    9. The encouragement of living free will help you go far, like a shooting star
    10. The fast speed of living free will catch up to you like the rain after a drought
    11. The hope of living free will help you run from the pain like a cheetah on crack cocaine
    12. The proof of living free is all you might ever need to live life as free as the birds in the sky