• sadness overwhelms me, it crushes me inside.
    Tears run down my face into a sea and begin to collide
    Darkness blinds me for i cannot see.
    all the people who love and try to comfort me.
    For i am the one who must overcome this retched fear,
    Fear of being confronted and people coming near.

    i am alone, isolated in this nightmare.
    but it seems like there isn't a care,
    no one seems to understand why this ocean is here,
    I want to tell someone but its just another one of my fears
    a bit like the one with my fellow peers
    torment, bully and laugh while they can
    they even made an anti club and many became a fan

    Don't they know that this is hurting me?
    there is no way of alerting them
    as they continue with there "game"
    but no one came,
    to rescue me....

    finally someone takes notice from all my cries of help
    but it all ended up with tears and whelp
    To tell the truth i was scared to tell
    i am scared right now
    but how?
    how did this come to what it is now

    i think we all know the outcome of this
    just because people too the p***
    my mum is crying on the phone
    my sisters weeping in a high pitched tone

    just because i couldn't answer a simple question
    but i had no direct explanation
    i hoped this day would never come.
    my mum said " you need some serious help"
    my eyes filled with tears again
    was i really that insane.

    well that is my story so far
    i hope this wish a pone a star,
    will come true, make everyone happy
    but until then my life will carry on just the way it is

    (this is true, most of this is reflecting on what happened the night before )