• Gorgeous memories simple times I had no thoughts, I had no mind. I needed surgery and you were my doctor now I’m all sewn up and screwed up. Sense the day your knife cut into my brain and messed with my mind. I’m just glad you never really got to my heart. Cause I woke up form my anesthesia just in time.She no longer walks this earth. There are no ties anymore. So why keep this friendship that’s just a lie? Maybe the memories are true, maybe I really loved you. But times have moved on and so am I. So cant you understand this is done, simple tears are gone, your written off, a crumpled paper, a memory I don't want to see.It gets so hard to stay strong that I break down, every single night. I want to die from the pain.I have had. The sound of your name will stop my breath. And ill wonder what if But in the inside keep repeating What's Broken Is Broken.