• They say its predictable
    they say its right, never unknown
    that you should always know
    when the time comes you will feel the urge
    the urge to say one sentence that may make just one person feel good.

    They say the time is near
    that the end is here
    Let it rain
    let it storm
    to feel just another excuse to run away before I have to see whats in store for me to pay
    to pay one more debt
    to allow them to know
    they weren't right
    but they showed me wrong
    they had no excuse
    except to show me something new.

    They say its not a reason
    its an excuse to hide from what could make me happy
    where i can walk without a fear
    without a tear
    to live among others the same way that they do.

    I have no time
    I have no patience to make them happy
    they will never understand that this hell within me
    is more than they could ever handle on their own
    their breakdown would be amusing though
    seeing them fall to the ground crying
    and just laying there in agony
    such pain to honestly take note too wouldn't you agree?
    They will one day see why I am the way I am
    It's because I keep choosing to be!!!!!