• He walks through the night looking for her having nothing on his mind but his love for her. She pushed him away as he tried to help, she turned from every one who cared, thinking that she was alone. His eyes started to water as he feels the same pain he has for the past few days. He sees the fallen rose on the headstone and lays under it on the fresh grave again tonight. He tries to picture her happy and how happy she made him. He wish she didn't do this that she had came to him pulling the blood stained shirt closer to his chest he starts to cry as the rain began to fall he whispers softly "please forgive me, my love". a new tear is wiped away by the rain. he covers to her blood stained shirt with his body and unable to keep his promise he whispers "I'm sorry" he reaches up for the rose ,that he had put there five nights ago ,when he started to lose control and she was put on this place,and holds it close to his heart with her shirt. he takes the blood stained blade and slides it across his wrist just as she had done ending his life just as he said to the night "I'll be with you soon" another tear is wiped away by the rain, he lives no more.