• I'm sitting here
    Listening to them b***h
    I wish I was some where else
    Some where free
    I wish the yelling would stop
    I just wanna go to sleep
    And never wake up
    I just want this to stop
    I don't wanna be here
    I wish I was never born
    I cut
    I cry
    I've attempted suicide
    None of it works
    Every time I try
    Somebody finds out
    Like they care
    I know better
    They just don't want that kinda "Rep"
    So they have to keep me alive
    I'm a mute
    I'm locked inside my own mind
    The only time I'm truly free
    Is when I can't hear me
    When I have music blaring through my ears
    When all I can do is cry
    When all I can hear is lyrical line after line
    I don't believe in happiness
    I don't believe in smiles
    In tears of "Joy"
    I only believe in sorrow
    In pain
    In blood
    And tears
    Because I believe
    Happiness doesn't exist.