• I want to share something about me
    An addiction, a want, a need
    As tight as placing on a belt
    That most my peers have already felt
    I want to feel the warmth

    Now i dont mean the warmth of the sun
    Or what gives a rise to a bun
    I want to feel the feeling of her
    As if i were cancer, and she were a cure
    I want to feel the warmth

    A prized possession, to offer protection
    To hold, love, the feeling of affection
    To wake from slumber, her face to greet
    To feel her breathe as i fall sleep
    I want to feel the warmth

    The feeling of my heart racing inside
    Whenever i gaze deeply into her eyes
    To have her even take care of me
    But still this day i say "Oh God please"
    I want to feel the warmth

    Its one thing i want to achieve
    That many believe to be naive
    The one to hold and dare say mine
    And never let go through the depts of time
    I want to feel the warmth

    I share this with you for a reason
    To show those also alone this season
    Taken to and from my life today
    19 years past and all but to say
    I want to feel the warmth