• There is a place
    No one can find
    That heals your soul
    Body and mind
    There you may breathe
    There you may live
    And feast on the things
    The place can give
    There are other people
    You can talk to
    Have a conversation
    Enjoy it through and through
    Look through a telescope
    Stare at Venus, Jupiter or Mars
    And while your at it
    Find a few stars
    Write a song,
    A poem, some stories,
    Read about peoples adventures
    And all about the greatness of their glories
    Change your hair
    Change your clothes
    And for earrings
    Put in a rose
    And remember before you kick the ground
    There are many things no one has found
    That you might be disturbing while your agitated
    Angry, Sad, or Frustrated
    Now keep in mind this important thing
    So that now your heart can sing

    The End of this Poem