• It's one of those days
    when the sun just won't awaken.
    Clouds shroud the flurescent azul
    from view.

    They create eerie shadows that
    dance on the Earth as if they were
    merry children.

    And I wander;following these surreal children.
    Passing tree by tree 'til,
    we're at a lake.

    'Tis the color of the finest sapphires,
    sparkling in what sunlight has escaped.
    It is shallow yet full
    of deep insight,telling me
    the stories of long gone creatures.

    I cup my hands, letting the liquid silk slip.
    Beautiful beads of blue drip down my arms.
    Caressing my skin like I am Her newborn.

    I lie down on the shore,
    taking in this wonderous wonder of Yours.