• i wish this world could be like i want it to
    where if you have big dreams they will come true
    no matter what you do

    but its not
    even if you try to change it
    it never goes your way

    cause no matter what you do or say
    the pain and hate and regret
    always comes to get you
    when you least suspect it

    this world is so incomplete
    that you can try and try
    to have a life and make a place for yourself here
    but it will never work

    i know from experience that life can suck
    were you get let down and pushed around
    till you just want it to all stop
    and disaippear
    go away and leave you alone

    its never that easy to have your problems
    just stop eating at you
    even when you shut them out
    they're still there

    you could try to face the pain from heart break
    or the hate from people who are just jealous of who you are
    or even the regret from all the mistakes that you have made in the past
    but no matter how hard you try it never gets fixed

    so if you want a great life and job and relationships with anyone
    than you're going to have to start fresh
    and make something out of your self
    even if you've been in divorce after divorce
    or lost someone you love
    or had to deal with your parents splitting up
    love and friendship and trust will come
    no matter what people say

    so listen and listen good
    your life can be great or terrible
    but just know you can change it
    even if it is incrediblely hard
    that anyone in this god damn world
    came have a life as great as they want it to be.