• What is life? It's the not the meaning that eludes us, but the clearly tangible instance itself. Life is what noone comes to understand, and people don't seem to try to comprehend, nor even take the chance to succumb to it's almighty whim. Which in any other case should be an illogical decision, but on thus circumstances, it is good to throw yourself into the arms of the superior. Also what no man has openly commited, is to that fact of monotheism, there are many lords to which the human populus shall precede as mighty, and there-fore shall not all be ruled by the monotony of a single all powerful overseeir... and through the years, Life has evolved and has branched, but for what means of expansion? life is to be held onto, and not forced off the riteous tracks it does so pursue. and this is the reason for the misunderstanding of the aeons long search for the "Meaning" of life. where-as the meaning was always quite indubadebly right in front of our complex egotistical minds. To live life, it must be grasped, and not let by, it must be lived to the fullest, and not allowed to pass without toll. This was an idea that struck my cranium, and shall never escape, for what I now ask you, is that if you conquer, I beg of you: replace this message onto your populated page of personality, and we will see if this message is heard by the world, and together, we will find the true meaning of the simple subject of Life...