• Dreaming of having a castle

    Always having sunshines and rainbows

    And always being perfect and somewhat beautiful

    Are what little girl's dream of

    Being swept up from their feet by their own Prince Charming

    Always being happy and never sad

    And having a happily ever after

    Are what they dream of as well

    But, there's no such things as always having sunshine and rainbows

    Or being perfect and beautiful

    Or even being swept up by some imgainary "Prince Charming"

    There's no such thing as being happy forever

    And there is no such thing as a Happily Ever After

    They may be heart-broken

    And their "Prince Charming" may be the wrong "prince"

    But their is one thing, one thing that's real

    And it's their dreams as little girl's, wanting eternal happiness and love