• It was a lovely day, I must say
    The day that you smiled.
    I swear I could hear the Heavens singing in joy,
    The sun shined through the clouds of your troubled days that've haunted me
    Stabbed me
    Taunted me.

    The day when you smiled, I cried
    I cried tears of pure happiness
    And got on my knees in agony.

    For the twisted irony was
    I wasn't the one to put it there
    I wasn't the one to open you up
    And learn all of your rage and hate
    To be included in your world was a thing of my dreams!

    Now it's only a figment of imagination
    But you smile, and I'm glad
    I'm glad you can sing and make the heavens wept for the beauty they're unworthy of beholding

    Now go, leave me
    Leave me to be with the one that've finally figured out your puzzle
    And do not worry for me.
    I will always be happy,
    And will always remember
    The day you smiled.