• Oh! Hello fly, I see you there, in the hall with one stair. Sitting on the door with no knob, There is a plant, I think his name is Jeffery, maybe it was Bob... I cannot remember now, it has been some time. Bob is dead... Maybe his name was Ted? The fly survives, somehow. Dust covers the paintings on the walls, cobwebs coat the chair... Lucky for the Fly, the spiders are all dead, so are the eggs. The fly is watching me with his eyes, singnaling that he knows I am there, and that I know he is there. The light flickers akwardly and in uneven beats as it buzzes contently. A sigh emerges from my lungs, a sign of being bored. Little fly, will you share being bored with me? I think I'll call you Ed... Now I leave for another six years, this part of my past I wish not to relive, just yet.