• I wait in the shadows
    Decreasing slowly
    Deep breaths keep pacing up
    So dizzy
    Losing myself

    NO! I won't give up!
    They can try all they want........
    NO! I'm slowly fading
    They keep telling me lies
    Tears fall fom my face
    It's almost the end
    No one can see me
    But I see them
    All I can think of is his face
    This is all his fault

    He fooled me
    He fooled every human
    That gorgeous face..........
    That warm voice..........
    Those eyes........
    Listen to me
    I'm still caught in his love spell

    The full moon glistens
    Its free as a bird
    While I'm stuck here
    Forced to parrish
    In my head I hear them whisper "The end is near"
    Blood is surrounding me

    When I finally notice them
    I see their fingers covered with blood
    Slowly watching me
    They are not eating me?
    I whisper" What do you want?"

    They didn't have to answer
    Because then so suddenly
    I realize they are murdering me
    Their faces are blank
    No emotion
    I hear a voice say "Run!"

    The sound of footsteps echo in the isolated alley
    I see lights then all goes blank
    Have I died?
    Am I no longer in existence?
    I am
    They have won
    I'm no longer here
    Just an angel

    The end