• Today is a day,

    Where my voice feels small,

    When there's nothing to say,

    I don't feel tall,

    I try to lay,

    But I hear a call,

    I follow the noise,

    Thinking of leaving,

    Then I see, with perfect poise,

    Of a person who is grieving,

    In front of them a pile of toys,

    The scene made me feel like screaming,

    But instead I tried to help,

    And picked up all the toys,

    This person said "Hey you whelps!",

    As I turned to see a group of boys,

    They all tried to stop me,

    I didn't know why,

    Then a kid named Geoggery,

    Started to cry,

    The sound I remembered,

    From earlier that day,

    "Are you..." I started to say,

    He said "No I yelled 'timber!'"