• Now, maybe something has fallen through
    I’ve waited too long
    Walked these halls too far
    Because I’ve discovered the scratches-hidden deep beneath
    The simple impurity of the pure
    I won’t turn away, I won’t give in, won’t give away

    Watched her crumble under the weight
    of the thousand moons
    Setting an eternal night
    Seen him toss pins in the air
    into sickened hearts
    Bounce back to his eyes
    Noticed them burn each other’s souls
    among the smiles
    Ignoring their own ashes
    Felt my heart crack
    from these nightmares
    Bleeding innocence so false-so corrupted

    Lie, I scream
    Lie to me one more time!
    Tell me it’s alright
    That it’s okay
    That she bleeds her own blood
    And he stabs the weak
    And they burn themselves
    I must’ve looked too hard
    Must’ve stayed too long
    Walked too far
    Because I’ve discovered the truth
    And I will never believe in it again.