• Our last goodbye...My final farewell...The ones I was never able to get from you...The last goodbyes i was never able to tell you as you left...The heaviness I feel now is nothing compare to the pain I'll forever feel...You left me and i miss you...My heart will forever long for those final words...My heart will forever long to say goodbye...It hurts me to see that you could never tell me the final goodbye I wanted to hear before you left me....It hurts me to hear that you left forever without ever telling me goodbye...Never to talk to you again..To break our promise,a forever lasting scar in my heart....No way that anyone will ever come that close to me again...No one that will be close to me because of the pain i fear, The pain i'll feel...Even if you never could say goodbye to me...I'll say goodbye to you no matter how much i die..No matter how much it kills me...I must say our Last goodbye...Like the last pedal of a rose falling and flying away in the wind i must say...

    Goodbye, and Farewell.