• Vampire's Thirst

    My thirst for you keeps getting stronger
    I'll try to keep my distance
    Will I have to wait for you much longer?

    That bright white skin that covers your throat
    It will try to protect you from me
    That scarlet beautifulness inside that cover
    It's not so hard for me to see

    I love that rich, rich smell it produces
    But i dont know how long i can hold myself back
    That thirst for you i will try so hard to forget
    That thirst for you i do not lack

    I would rather this not end to quickly
    But how am i to stop myself
    Because that color is so pretty
    This may not end so well

    I see my teeth around your throat
    Almost everyday
    But i try to ignore it
    I must try to delay

    I see that red leaking out of your skin
    You do not help me this way
    Your making it hard for me to resist
    Its like a delicious red sea in a bay

    My teeth are growing sharper
    They are like daggered points
    My fangs sink into your flesh, on your neck
    It's almost as if I feel your joints

    Your fresh warm blood runs in my mouth
    It sooths this pain i have been keeping in
    This has ended faster than i thought
    Much faster than i would have liked
    I have created such a sin

    My body is growing much, much stronger
    Your drifting deeper into those dreams
    I hope they are quite pleasant
    This life you have given has filled the empty seems

    But now you cannot hear me nor see
    Have a nice journey to your new life or death
    Because you sacrificed yourself to me
    I will live a moment longer . . .