• Flames of Anger burn
    fire of jealousy leap to my command
    Torch this city of my soul
    burn the capital of my heart to ash

    Burn burn
    burn it all
    burn the towering skyscrapers
    the ones built by my reason

    Burn the streets
    laid down by my sanity
    burn the street lamps and cars
    the ones created by my love

    Burn burn burn...return all of it to ash
    ...to ash

    Than let the rain of my sorrow
    wash away the ash
    let it wash away the remains
    of the city that use to stand

    Let the storm of insanity
    tear the land that remains
    let the lighting and wind
    destroy and rend what is left...

    And as the sun lowers
    to dusk
    let the storm fade
    into a quiet obilivion

    And as the sun rises again
    the next morn
    let the survivors
    come out from their hiding

    Let the survivors
    my happiness
    my love, my reason
    ....my sanity

    Let them have back their land
    now again like a new born babe
    let them rebuild
    let the build again my soul

    For insanity is like the storm and fire
    it rages and rends
    it tears and destroys
    And leaves death in its wake

    But also
    like the storm
    it will pass on

    and the survivors
    let behind in its make
    will live on
    and rebuild

    and no matter
    how many times may insanity strike
    no matter how many times the storm tears
    and the fires burn

    The survivors will live on
    and rebuild
    and thus will my soul
    and thus will my heart

    I will go on and like my happiness, like my love, like my sanity, I will be a survivor...