• I never know when you are here;
    I never know when you leave.
    Always you watch me,
    But you never let me see.

    Had you never written,
    I never would have known,
    But instead of feeling scared,
    I no longer felt alone.

    In fact I thought I loved you,
    Even though we’d never spoken,
    Always in the written word,
    But never in the open.

    Suddenly the letters cease.
    No longer do you write.
    I’ve been told that you have died;
    I hope they are not right…

    But I know they are.
    My broken heart grows still.
    Never did I see your face,
    And now I never will.

    And yet I feel
    Like you’re still here,
    Watching over me.
    Just like before,
    Nothing more,
    You I still can’t see.

    My heart is on the ground.
    I am filled with fear.
    It hurts so much,
    knowing that you’re gone,
    But I can not shed a tear.

    Is it because of you,
    That my tears will not fall?
    It feels like you’re still with me,
    Not letting me mourn your call home.

    Rest in Peace…