• Foolish

    Cold as ice
    Hard as stone
    Your heart I've longed to hold
    To melt that icy glare
    To embrace you

    My affections have never changed
    I loved you throughout
    Yet you scorn me for my foolishness
    You push me away

    I can't help but think
    How stupid you are
    to insist on being alone
    I could love you
    I could hold you
    I could ease your suffered cries

    Yet you make me watch helplessly
    as you die
    Cornered at a turn
    You just stare with that defiant glare
    in your eye
    I know that beneath
    You are rotting with demise

    Then you snap
    Making it hard to love you
    You intentionally try to
    scare me away
    Baby don't you know
    That could never be arranged

    You live in a selfish world
    Where you think no one can help
    Why can't you realize
    That I'm here

    Does this mean I'm not good enough
    Or does it mean you can't love
    I run through
    the turmoil in my head
    Yet I can't stop my heart

    Until the day I breathe my last breath
    I will wait for you
    I will make sure you listen
    To know that I can love you
    And that I don't blame you
    for making me feel foolish