• The Four Seasons have there very own meaning.

    They are many unqiue ways too describe these

    seasons. Spring is when beautful birds come and go

    as they please. The flowers grow as the spirt of God

    grows. Many of us grow as well as we procress on

    with life. Spring is like us being re born again and

    having a new purpose in life! But, Summer is very

    different from Spring. Spring is calm and natural as

    Summer has its own supernatural ways of thinking. It

    rasies up like a boling heat with particals of dust and

    tons of smokes in the sky it shows how Summer can be

    dangerous. Theres a postive side to it though. All of us can enjoy

    our wonderful pools and relax and get the stress of from

    school, gossip, or work. Summer has its ways of thinking as

    well as Spring does. Fall is when the trees cry off there leafs and

    re born themsevels for a new beginning as well as us picking

    them up.... Fall brings saddness and happniess to people around

    the world. Fall could mean two things. One could be a new start to

    something new or two the end of something that just started.

    Winter is when the birds leave us for now to be free and loved.

    Our friendly squiral though needs precious accorns to live. Our

    lovly bear needs to sleep for now because its tired of killing

    strangers. But at the end of the day the squiral dies of death.

    Spring=reborn Summer= supernatural Fall= new beginning/ end of something

    and Winter= the love of a squiral and a bear lol