• Anger looks like a crashing meteor
    It sounds like an explosion
    Anger tastes like a sour lemon
    It smells like sweat and tears
    It feels like a stab in the back
    But worst of all, it wounds the heart and blinds the soul

    Happiness looks like the never-changing grin painted on a clown’s face
    It sounds like music and laughter
    Happiness tastes like buttered popcorn… always leaving you wanting more
    It smells like sweet fruit
    Happiness fills the heart with love and the promise of tomorrow

    Jealousy looks like a tiger ready to pounce
    It sounds like complaint and pity for one's self
    It tastes like a half-eaten apple found in a trash can
    Jealousy smells like moldy bread
    Jealousy is the wrong path,
    And once you've reached the end,
    You can never return to what might have been

    Embarrassment burns bright red
    It sounds awkwardly quiet
    Embarrassment tastes like you've eaten too much salt
    It makes you realize you can smell the humidity in the air, the heat
    Embarrassment is used as a weak point, and you can't avoid it.
    It feels like being watched under a microscope,
    But you have to learn
    To live through it.

    Shock looks like a wide-eyed stare
    It sounds like your heartbeat stopping
    Shock makes you forget being hungry
    Shock has no smell, though if it does, the reason for the shock is much more important
    It feels like waking up from a dream and being brought back to reality
    Shock fells like being smacked by the cold truth.

    Boredom shines like a glittery rainbow-there’s no denying it’s there
    It sounds like the clock, tick-tock, tick-tock. . .
    Boredom tastes like spit, if you were eating you wouldn’t be bored,
    Now would you?
    Boredom smells of nothing
    Boredom can be an excuse for doing nothing (Mo-oom, I'm bored!)
    Or just simply lack of anything to do
    But boredom can motivate or inspire people to go out and do things. . .
    Much like this poem you are reading.