• Is this really happening, could it be true
    That I'm spending my waking moments with you?
    Do I really tremble under your touch?
    Do you really love me this much?
    Or is my mind only fooling me
    Into believing what I see?
    Whenever your sweet kiss
    Passes gentley over my lips
    My mind becomes scrambled, and I ask
    Myself, is this dream going to last?
    But then another part of me sees
    In reality, you really are here with me
    I think to myself, it's too good to be true
    But I'm here in your arms and touching you too
    My mind tells me it may be a dream
    But as for what my heart deams
    That is a whole other thing
    Your presence makes my soul sing
    Your voice makes my heart soar
    And when you're away, I miss you more
    I contemplate on whether you're real or not
    A childish thing maybe, and my heart is caught
    In the webbing your love has made
    And it will never stray
    My mind says no
    But my heart tells me go
    I won't dwell on these thoughts anymore
    These thoughts I will now ignore
    My heart is my guide now
    I won't turn back to how
    My mind has been thinking of late
    My heart points me straight
    Into your strong arms
    Don't let me go; from you I've been charmed
    If this is a dream, let me never wake
    For yours and my sake
    If this is for real, then I am blessed
    To be here and now, huddled against your chest