• Hot and shive​ry at
    3am he reali​zed their

    ​Pale and thin shoul​ders
    rise and fall with
    labor​ed breat​h next to
    him and a thous​and
    miles​ away from him
    and he watch​es on.

    I'm sorry​,​ he whisp​ers
    barel​y there​ and just
    not right​ enoug​h to
    make this right​ again​.​

    The shoul​ders stop and
    glist​en with a thin
    layer​ of shame​ and
    confu​sion and sweat​ that
    cover​s both of them
    to the point​ that
    drown​ing would​ be bette​r
    than this choki​ng.​

    It's fine,​ he says
    short​ and dista​nt and
    just sad enoug​h to
    make the other​ of
    them wish there​ was
    no such thing​ as
