• * The sign*

    My mind was lose
    My heart was broken
    Until the day came
    As my heart was risen..

    A boy past by
    with dark hair
    he's eyes were blue
    his face was flair

    He had such white skin
    like a beautiful swan
    But his emotion on his face
    looked like a bad sign

    I followed him to where he's departure would go
    As then the incident started to grow
    Animals came to gather
    With him together

    He whispered to their ears
    As he was a mortal
    I feel like this words came
    saying *Beast Master*'

    My shadow trembled
    the clouds grew dark
    the trees started to grumble
    As i felt a tumble

    He saw my eyes
    as they were filled with fear
    He walk towards me
    As i thought he would

    He pointed a direction that i couldn't follow
    my heart was pointed on him this so called fellow
    He gave me a glare to send me away
    But there was no way i could leave this day

    I felt so sad i looked in his eyes
    I touched his hand
    i ran to him to that man

    He suddenly cried tears
    Gems fell to the ground
    why bother picking it up
    when the world is falling into little pieces

    It was the sign
    the sign to be warn not to the people

    I wandered how he knew
    He has instincts
    like an animal
    its like a chosen person
    to be wild and free
    to tell the world
    what he was meant to be

    We ran as far as we could
    i know i would
    he knew he would
    did the people know they could?

    a bridge we cross the sky turn red
    As me and him fall
    to the right direction

    weird to say the most precious thing that ever happen to me.....